Monday, July 06, 2009

Visiting the Manning Files Today

[Edited to add:  Please see My Conclusions on the Manning Files written after my visit.]

This morning I am amazed and thrilled to be faced with at least 16 e-mails and comments to work with and respond to related to our Reeds! Most of them came since I went to bed last night. Wow!

When you post a comment, I receive an e-mail giving me an opportunity to publish it or reject it. I have three comments on hold at the moment, because I want to communicate with the commenters and prepare responses before publishing them. So, please don't think I'm ignoring you! I'm getting to those and the e-mails today.

Also today, I plan to revisit the Manning Files at the South Caroliniana Library here in Columbia.

Caroliniana's description of these files found here:
"Barnwell County records, 1717-1965 / by Edna Anderson Manning and W.H. Manning, Jr.
"Genealogical collection about South Carolina families who lived in the old Barnwell District, an area currently in jurisdiction of the modern counties of Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell; these 15 volumes are popularly called, "the Manning files."
Abstracts of wills, marriages, and cemetery records; a record of Barnwell County officials, 1880-1962; and service records of South Carolina veterans in the War of 1812. Eleven of the volumes are devoted to histories of approximately 150 families."

Click here for an index to the Manning Files. The Reeds listed are our Reeds. I'll share with you later what I find. I do know from my last peek that there are some errors, in my opinion. Few sources are absolutely perfect. As we all know, sources such as this are to be taken as a guideline. Facts need to be verified, verified, verified. That's part of what makes this all so exciting to me!

So, I'm off to get ready to go downtown. I certainly can't put it off. I just announced to the world that I'm going! How's that for motivation?!

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